pp108 : Business Monitoring

Business Monitoring

This topic provides an overview of business monitoring in Process Platform.

The purpose of monitoring your business is to track trends, compare the results as against historical evidence and arrive at conclusions so that decision making becomes easier.

Monitoring your business helps you to cut down unnecessary costs, invest properly and make better profits. Business monitoring helps you to understand market scenarios, and strengthen your business processes so that your business not only thrives in the market but also makes an impact on it.

Using Process Platform, you can monitor your business processes at all levels - process, activity, and instances. Process monitoring is used to track instances of business processes through their life span. However, monitoring is a performance overhead, but could be critical in some cases. You can continuously monitor your processes, check for failures if any, and address them in time so that all your business processes run unhindered.

Business process monitoring in Process Platform comprises:

At design time, you can turn on monitoring for a particular process or activity using the Enable Monitoring feature.

Levels of Monitoring

Depicted below are the various scenarios in which monitoring can be set at the process, instance and activity levels.
The following table summarizes the scenarios of process monitoring if the monitoring attribute is set at the instance level:

If the monitoring attribute is...


Enabled at the instance level

Process level property is ignored, but any activity level property is considered for monitoring.

Disabled at the instance level

No monitoring is possible at any level.

The following table summarizes the scenarios of process monitoring if the monitoring attribute is not set at the instance level:

If the monitoring attribute is...


Enabled at the process level (Enable Process Monitoring option is selected)

Activity level property is considered for monitoring.

Disabled at the process level (Enable Process Monitoring option is cleared)

No monitoring is possible at any level.

If an attribute is defined neither at the instance level nor at the process level then the Enable Process Monitoring property in the Business Process Management Service configuration (which is the default behavior) interface is considered. For any monitoring and crash recovery option to work, it is mandatory that you enable it first in the Process Engine tab of the Business Process Management Service properties.

If the process instance is running in debug mode, the Enable Process Monitoring property (at the activity level) is retained and activity data will always be published.

You can select or clear the Enable Process Monitoring option for activities that are defined inside a transaction of a long-lived process.


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